On My Last Breath
This heartfelt journey is the debut short film by Producer/Director/Writer Don Johns. Set during WWII in the trenches of a war torn battlefield, two men must face their enemies, but what they find are the enemies of the heart are harder to fight than the battle that rages around them.
On My Last Breath Trailer
This heartfelt journey is the debut short film by Producer/Director/Writer Don Johns. Set during WWII in the trenches of a war torn battlefield, two men must face their enemies, but what they find are the enemies of the heart are harder to fight than the battle that rages around them.
On My Last Breath
This heartfelt journey is the debut short film by Producer/Director/Writer Don Johns. Set during WWII in the trenches of a war torn battlefield, two men must face their enemies, but what they find are the enemies of the heart are harder to fight than the battle that rages around them.